A Guide to the CamaPlan: Your Gateway to a Secure Future

  • The crux of the financial advisory industry is finding and implementing sustainable investment strategies for clients.
  • The risk of loss in equities and other investment vehicles is always present, but the right strategy can mitigate that risk.
  • One such strategy that is gaining popularity is the slow portfolio, which invests in low-volatility stocks.

The crux of the financial advisory industry is finding and implementing sustainable investment strategies for clients. The risk of loss in equities and other investment vehicles is always present, but the right strategy can mitigate that risk. In this article, we'll explore one strategy that has become increasingly popular with investors interested in planning a secure financial future.

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Meet Chris McLaughlin

Chris McLaughlin is the former finance chair of the Republican Party of Greenville, South Carolina. He has a master's degree in finance and is a Certified Financial Planner. He lives in Greenville, SC, with his wife, Rebecca, and their four children.

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Term of the Week: Key Person of Influence

Learning Objective: To understand the importance of having a Key Person of Influence (KPI) and why it benefits you to have one.
Key Person of Influence: A Key Person of Influence (KPI) is an individual who can significantly impact your business. This person could be an investor, a client, or a vendor. The KPI has influence and is instrumental to your business.

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Term of the Week Origin Story

The Term of the Week series was created to highlight an interesting or important term in the investing world and explain its meaning, history, and current relevance.
The origin of the term "CAMA" likely comes from the Latin phrase, "caveat emptor," which means "let the buyer beware." These disclaimers have been legally required since 1677 when Parliament passed the first "Act of Monopolies." The purpose of these disclaimers was to protect consumers from being duped by unscrupulous sellers. They allowed them to protect themselves by investigating the seller's claims and offering the seller the opportunity to prove their claims.


Term of the Week Image: Dollar Sign

By: Zeeshan Nisar
When an individual, family, or business has a financial goal, the first step to reaching it is to create a roadmap.
The roadmap is a financial blueprint that lays out the steps to take to reach your goal.
While the road map is critical, the road map alone is not enough to reach your destination. The road map needs to be implemented, and that requires a plan.
A plan is a roadmap for a journey. Without a plan, you will be lost.
In today's world, one must be financially prudent. Planning for a secure future is the responsibility of all those who are able.

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Term of the Week Fact: The Wages of Sin

In 1752, the English politician William Pitt proposed a "moral force" as an alternative to war. Pitt's moral force consisted of laws that aimed to penalize the acts of immorality, such as vice, gambling, alcohol, and adultery. These laws were supported by Pitt and Parliament, but were later repealed